Alma and Jackeline smiling

Cerritos students Alma and her daughter, Jackeline, volunteer at the Food Bank’s drive-through distribution on campus. They hope to encourage others to get good, healthy food if they need it.

At Cerritos College, one of the largest community colleges in LA County, food insecurity runs rampant. More than half of its 22,000 students are forced to choose between purchasing food or buying school textbooks, paying rent or paying their tuition.

In response to overwhelming need, the Food Bank partners with many two- and four-year colleges across the county, including Cerritos. Prior to the pandemic, we operated our Mobile Food Pantry on campuses and supported student-led food pantries. Now, we host drive-through distributions on or near these campuses to serve both students and the local community at large. At Cerritos, these monthly food distributions not only nourish a community struggling with food insecurity, but also foster a real sense of hope and camaraderie among the students.

Alma and her daughter, Jackeline, are Cerritos students and regular volunteers at the monthly food distribution. Alma, an adult education student, and Jackeline, a second-year biology major and future doctor, saw clearly how the pandemic impacted their family and community. Together, they hope to set an example for their peers, encouraging them to get good, healthy food if they need it, as well as to offer a helping hand to others.

Your estate gift to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank helps us fight hunger in our community today and into the future. Contact Debra Beadle at 310-569-3180 or [email protected] to learn more about your giving options.