Linda Collins

Linda Collins

We recently visited Friends in Deed, a nonprofit food pantry that provides food assistance to low-income and no-income families in the greater Pasadena and Altadena areas. Clients of the food pantry are provided with boxes of nutritious food, including meat, dairy, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

With soaring inflation, millions of our neighbors throughout Los Angeles County are feeling stress and anxiety to make every dollar count. Like many of our 600+ partner agencies, Friends in Deed saw a slight decline in client need at the end of 2021, followed by a sharp increase in March of 2022—close to the volume last seen at the height of the pandemic.

Currently, the food pantry serves an average of 440 families, upwards of 940 individuals, weekly. We spoke with Linda Collins, a grandmother of four and long-time client of Friends in Deed.

“It’s me, my daughter and my grandkids. It helps out, you know, when your money gets low. It alleviates a lot.…The way that the inflation is and everything, everybody is eventually going to be standing in the food bank,” Collins said.

With the help of volunteers, donors and supporters, the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and our network of agency partners distribute more than two million pounds of food every week. The Friends in Deed motto is “Doing together what we cannot do alone.”

We are proud to support our partners and clients, like Linda, throughout this time of increased need.

You can help others like Linda Collins and her family with a gift to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Contact Debra Beadle at 310-569-3180 or [email protected] to learn more about including us in your future plans.